Terms and Conditions

1. Driving License

The hirer must have held a valid driving license for a period not less than 2 years. If the hirer is not of Kenyan citizenship, a valid driving license from the country of residence or an international driving permit can be used provided it has also been held for a period not less than 2 years.
  • The hirer must be at least 25, and under 70 years of age.
  • Only the hirer or any other driver indicated in the contract form is allowed to drive the hired car.
2. Insurance

All our vehicles have a comprehensive insurance. However, in case of damage, the excess fees not paid by the insurance will be the hirer’s responsibility. In case of loss or damage of car accessories that are not covered by insurance, the hirer will also be responsible for their replacement.
Note: You must not make any repairs on the car without the consent of Silver cabs and car hire management.

3. Car Security

The hirer is responsible for ensuring the security of the car for the entire time during which it is in their custody. In the rare case of theft, the hirer is only responsible for the first Ksh.2000. You are advised to always ensure that the car is locked when you leave it and only park in secured places.

4. Contract Time and Distance

A day in terms of the car hire contract is 24 hours. In case of late vehicle return, the hirer will pay an extra Ksh.300 per hour. A hired car should travel not more than 300 kilometres a day. However, the hirer is free to exceed this distance limit for a fee of Ksh.20 per kilometre.

5. Car Hire Contract Agreement

The hired car must not be used to carry passengers or goods for reward or gain. The car must also not be used for activities prohibited by the Kenyan and the international law.

Upon request, a client is given a contract form to fill, after carefully reading and agreeing to all the terms and conditions therein stated. The management reserves the right to refuse a hirer at any time without giving any reasons.